Unlike the West, China doesn’t censor the fact that smoking is actually really good for you. Need proof? How about this 50-year-old Chinese man who clocked a 26.2 mile marathon in three hours and 28 minutes, while chain-smoking the whole time:

The runner, who goes by the name Uncle Chen, finished 574th overall in 3:28:45 out of nearly 1,500 runners. According to the article in Running Magazine, Uncle Chen is an ultramarathoner who only smokes when he runs! Imagine being the guy running behind him? Worse yet, imagine watching him overtake you while casually puffing away at 50 years of age?

I’ve heard of people ‘warming up their lungs’ with a cigarette before going on a run, and of course nicotine is a great stimulant. But smoking continuously while running for 3 and a half hours? With your lungs wide open? At 50 years old? They are doing amazing things in China indeed. Let’s just hope Uncle Chen isn’t leaving the butts on the trails eh?