A French gamer challenged a billionaire business owner to a 1v1 fight outside Lidl but appeared to cower away in fear (classic French) when the 57-year-old– who has a net worth of £8 billion (!) – actually turned up.
Xavier Niel, owner of the Free telecoms group, was challenged to a scrap by gamer ‘JIMMYBLLT’ who claimed slow internet speed had ruined his Call of Duty experience…

The last thing he expected was for the billionaire to accept the challenge and turn up outside the Lidl on rue Sainte in Marseille…
Je t’attends https://t.co/jdCOL0j5nc pic.twitter.com/2SHPHSVIPf
— Xavier Niel (@Xavier75) November 15, 2024
Unfortunately, what happened next was truly pathetic on the part of JIMMYBLLT. Instead of taking advantage of the fact that he had the full attention of one of the richest men in France, who had literally taken the time out of his busy schedule to meet him outside Lidl as per his request, he completely p*ssied out and waved the white flag:
— Fuego 7️⃣🇲🇦 (@JimmyBLLT) November 15, 2024

What a coward. Imagine having an audience with a French billionaire (even if in the context of a fight outside Lidl), and passing up on the opportunity? I mean, would they have actually traded blows? No idea. But you absolutely have to take that opportunity to meet the billionaire and see what happens. Just show up and take it from there! Who knows, a couple hundred grand may have fallen out of his pocket or something?
Look – Xavier the French billionaire even gave our cowardly friend another chance to turn up:
— Xavier Niel (@Xavier75) November 15, 2024
Just when you thought JIMMYBLLT couldn’t be any more pathetic, he responds to Xavier’s video message with this:

Jesus. Honestly embarrassed for the lad. To not turn up to a challenge you issued yourself in the first place over poor internet connection while playing Call of Duty is just a level of p*ssification I hope none of us ever experience. In the end he had a man worth 8 billion begging to meet him and all he could do was come up with excuses as to why he couldn’t make it. Very sad indeed.
Big ups to Xavier Neil though – what a baller.