We’ve featured some astoundingly dumb criminals on OTSesh over the years, but this one might be the dumbest of them all.
Damien Boyce robbed Amber Beraun at gunpoint in Indianapolis and then forced her to add him on Facebook – where he later messaged her and asked her to “come chill”, after promising to pay her back and saying she was “too pretty to rob.”

The victim told WRTV she was getting her mail one night when Boyce approached her and pulled out a gun. She refused to let him into her home and so he settled for $100 and a Facebook Friend Request.
“I thought if maybe I added him on Facebook, he would leave and he did.”
She played along on Facebook Messenger and eventually Boyce asked her to “come chill”:
“Come chill with me. I swear I’m not on that type of timing.”
This time, she responded:
“I do have a man. You know I can’t do that LOL.
I wish you the best tho.”
Obviously at this point she had his name and photo and even an admission that he’d robbed her, and so turned the information over to police and Boyce was soon arrested. Who could have seen that coming?! Not braindead Boyce, apparently.

Boyce has been charged with gunpoint robbery and is currently out on a bail bond of $7,500. He was also arrested in connection with a separate robbery, and has further been charged with burglary, unlawful possession of a weapon, criminal recklessness, as well as battery.
So a pretty bad day at the office for him, when all he was trying to do was be romantic and ask a woman out on a date after robbing her at gunpoint outside her own home. And they say chivalry is dead…