Keir Starmer is only four months into his stint as UK Prime Minister and things couldn’t really be much worse for the guy. The Labour leader doesn’t seem to have a clear plan or identity on how he intends on leading the nation, and has gone back on a number of campaign promises (standard), while also dragging us into hostilities with Russia and cosying up with controversial investment firm BlackRock.
Well, the other day a guy named Michael Westwood decided to start a petition calling for an immediate General Election, and it’s managed to rack up over one million signatures in under 24 hours. In fact, it’s now sitting on 1.8 million signatures and counting!

All petitions that reach 100,000 signatures must be discussed in parliament, meaning at some point Starmer will have to address this petition in the House of Commons.
With just under 10 million people voting Keir Starmer and Labour into power in July, this petition already represents nearly 20% of that same number.
The question is – what will another general election even solve? I mean, I get people are frustrated with Keir Starmer and how Labour has handled things thus far. Especially when it comes to certain policies like the winter fuel allowance, inheritance tax and the farmers saga.
But if we were to call another general election tomorrow, who are we realistically going to vote in instead? The Tories? Nigel Farage? There just isn’t another viable option that we can trust to not make a complete mess of things.

Not that it matters really, because Keir Starmer and Labour are going to look at this petition and say “No” no matter how many signatures it draws. Remember that petition a few years back where 6 million people signed to revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU? The government completely ignored it and it was soon forgotten about.
In fact I’m not sure a single online petition has even actually achieved its goal, other than making the people who signed it feel like they actually did something. I guess we’ll just have to wait another four years and/or give Labour time to sort out the mess they inherited, even though they only seem to be making worse at the moment. Come on Keir Starmer, pull your finger out.