You always hear stories about drunk idiots on holiday who decide to get a crap tattoo of the occasion and end up instantly regretting it and whilst this story is in the same ballpark as these people it’s actually pretty different and perhaps even more tragic.
You probably thought from the title that the woman in question ended up shagging the guy and getting his name tattooed on her backside for the banter, but it’s not quite like that. Yes, Kaylie Williams did end up getting some random guy’s name inked on her butt, but they didn’t end up sleeping together when they were in Magaluf over ten years ago – instead they got talking after Kaylie decided she wanted a memento of the trip and he ended up offering to pay for her to get his name permanently etched on her bottom. Completely normal, sure.
Sadly though, the guy and his friends left the day after all this happened so Kaylie never got to develop their relationship further. After ten years though, she’s decided to try and track Daniel Forde down, saying the following about her quest:

That was the last I ever saw of him,’ Kaylie said. ‘It was not a holiday romance type of thing.
The tattoo was simply a “yes, let’s go for it.”
I had a partner back home at the time, but he just laughed it off.
I don’t regret my tattoo at all. It is a nice little reminder of our girls trip away and I’m never getting rid of it.
Now I’m determined to track Daniel Forde down. It is his name on my bum after all.
We have a Daniel Forde we found on social media, but I do not know if it is a Daniel Forde or the Daniel Forde. I am waiting for him to open the message.
It will be good to to get back in contact with him just to see if he remembers.
If I do manage to find him, I have no idea what I will say to him. Maybe I will offer him his money back for paying for the tattoo. Who knows?

Err what? Why does she wanna track him down if she doesn’t have any idea what she wants to say to him? It’s a bit weird that she would start a social media campaign and go to newspapers etc to track someone down when she doesn’t really even have a reason for it?
If I was Daniel Forde I would do my best to avoid her – why does she think that some guy who paid her 30 euros to get a tattoo of his name on her butt ten years ago would want to see her again now? It doesn’t even sound like he wanted to keep in touch at the time and it’s not like it would have been exactly difficult to get her Facebook or Instagram details back then. Come on Kaylie, take a hint!